Cat litter boxes with enclosed spaces and large bathroom areas are a great idea for cats that want a safe, private place to do their business. The problem is that this privacy and security isn’t always guaranteed when there are dogs in the home.

Dogs often like to play around in litter and waste, attracted to the smell, and there are those with a bad habit of eating it too. The possible contents of these boxes can be too tempting.
This is where owners need to turn to a dog proof cat litter box to keep their canine friends out of the equation. There are some top entry litter boxes that promise to offer the best solution to the problem, but some are better than others.
Top Entry Cat Litter Boxes That are Dog Proof
1. Modkat Litter Box
We get a good idea of the basic shape and function of these top entry boxes from the Modkat Litter box. It is hard to tell whether or not the sales photos for the Modkat Litter Box are the perfect illustration for the main aim here, or a little disconcerting. There is a slightly alarmed-looking cat peering out of the large box, as though checking the coast is clear or hiding from the dog.
There isn’t much else to say about the design, as this is pretty much a big white box with a hole in the top. This means cats can climb into their own little space without the dog pestering them. The odor control system should also mean that the box doesn’t attract their attention too much. This is enhanced with the use of the mat-style lid that stops litter tracking and seamless base that prevents leaks.
The problem with this approach is that there will be some cats – smaller kittens and elderly cats with joint issues – that struggle with the opening. They have to be a little more agile here than with litter boxes they can walk into. There are also owners that find that the box is difficult to clean, despite the free scooper, because the liner bag slides down too much.
2. Petmate Top Entry Litter Pan
The Petmate Top Entry Litter Pan takes a very similar approach in its design to the Modkat Litter box. Here we see that the beginning of a clear theme to this top entry boxes. There is the hole in the top, the grate on the lid and the simple box shape. Again this is all to ensure that the cats can enter in peace and not attract the attention of the dogs with tracked litter or the smell.
The dimensions of this deep box mean it would be pretty difficult for dogs to start digging around anyway. There are some clear differences here that may give this model the edge over the Modkat. There are built-in handles to help users pour out the litter, which should make the cleaning process a lot more simple. The hole is the lid is also a little bigger and is classed as a “generous opening for cats of all sizes”. However, there is a design flaw here that PetMate overlooked. The litter that fails to go through the lid collects in the grate, and then ends up on the floor when users turn the box over to deal with the litter.
The problem with this top entry dog proof litter boxes is that they are never 100% reliable.
There is the assumption from some cat owners that these boxes are the ideal solution to the problem of dogs playing with, or eating cat litter and waste. The design definitely sounds good in theory and there are many positive reviews from users of the models above that suggest they have found the best solution. Still, there will be times when it isn’t enough. There are photos from some users of dogs that put their head through the hole and have the lid around their neck. It looks comical, but ruins the purpose of the product if the box and contents are strewn across the room.
3. CleverCat Top Entry Litter Box
The makers of the CleverCat Top Entry Litter box do at least see the potential for failure and warn its buyers that it wont suit all situations and animals. They claim that it is “dog-proof from most dogs”, suggesting that the most curious and determined will get in, and that it is not ideal for cats that are disabled, overweight or elderly.
Interestingly, there are actually a lot of positive reviews for this model for the ease of use for both owner and cat. Many say that the animals took to it well and it was easy to clean out.
Then there are those that focus more on the experience of the human owner than the issue of dog proofing.
4. IRIS Large Top Entry Enclosed Cat Litter Box
If a top entry litter box cannot promise the ideal solution to a dog-proof experience, it is important that there are plenty of other benefits for users to appreciate. There are two issues that users experience with the models above. First of all, they are often not the most secure and durable objects if dogs can get the lid off. Secondly, they aren’t particularly attractive either. The Large Top Entry Enclosed Cat Litter Box from Favorite is different.
They have put a little thought into the design and claim to use materials that are more durable and reliable for a better result. They talk about the strong black and white contrast and curves so it doesn’t look out of place in the room. Another interesting feature here is the ease of assembly, with a focus on flat-packing the product for transportation to other locations.
There are clear pros and cons with this top entry solution, and not all cats will get the hang of it.
In the end, the worth of these dog-proof top entry systems will ultimately depend on the animals within the household. If you have a cat that needs its privacy and a secure place to go to the bathroom, as well as a dog that wants to play around in the mess, this design could be useful. A secure design with the right opening and litter tracking solution can work well. However, these features sometimes come in models that are harder to clean and not that attractive. Consider the options, compare the features and user reviews and you will find the right option for your cat and dog.
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