Whether you’ve read about them online or seen them in person, you’ve been considering using a dog stroller with your dog. Or maybe you’ve already ordered one! Before you take your canine friend on a stroll, there are a few things you should keep in mind in order to keep your dog safe and maximize the fun. Stay tuned, and we’ll go through some safety considerations.

Protect Your Pooch
First and foremost, your dog should be your number one safety priority. So here are a few tips to keep your dog safe while using a dog stroller.
Consider Whether a Dog Stroller is Actually Right For You
Let’s be honest, the idea of pushing your pet around in a stroller is simply adorable. But you have to consider your dog’s needs, more than the aesthetic of being a dog parent with a stroller.
Is your dog okay with being confined? Des he need to have his own agency? Does he get anxious easily? Consider these questions carefully. Not every dog will enjoy a dog stroller. If your dog doesn’t like it, putting him in it anyway could freak him out or scare him.
Keep an Eye on the Stroller
It is vital to be alert when taking your dog out in his stroller. If you stop or pause on your walk, make sure to lock the wheels so the stroller can’t roll away from you. Keep in mind that your dog will be closed inside the stroller. If there’s an emergency, like the stroller rolling into a hazardous area, your dog won’t be able to escape or defend himself. So you have to look out for your dog and make sure he isn’t getting into trouble.
It's also important to make sure the stroller is securely closed. If it isn’t, your dog could fall out or jump out, and potentially get into trouble.
Keep a Leash and Harness With You
When using a dog stroller, you should also keep a leash and harness on hand, even if your dog is safely zipped into the stroller. Harnesses are more comfortable than collars for dogs when they are on leashes. With a leash, you can make sure your dog is tethered to the inside of the stroller.
The other reason to keep a leash on hand is so that if your dog needs to leave the stroller for any reason, such as using the bathroom, he can do that as normal on a leash and you won’t have to worry about him getting into trouble. You can simply connect the leash to your dog’s harness, and then return him to the stroller when you’re ready.
Protect Your Property
In addition to keeping your dog safe, make sure you protect the stroller itself! Keep it in good condition and check it routinely for wear and tear. If the stroller is damaged, it could cause problems. It may not function properly, or it may not keep your dog contained.
Some damage may come from your dog himself. If your dog is clawing at or chewing on the mesh, it could cause a tear. It is also not healthy for your dog to chew on mesh! If you notice this behavior, consider the root cause. Perhaps your dog isn’t comfortable in the stroller. In this case, you may need to spend more time training him to be more at ease in it, or try leash-training him instead.
Other Considerations
You should be aware of other hazards as well. If you are around other people, make sure they are respectful. Don’t let them touch or move the stroller, or get close to your dog in the stroller. If a stranger gets too close while your dog is confined, he may get anxious or even panic. You should also prevent people, whether adults or children, from moving the stroller, in case they do not know how to use it properly. You don’t want to risk the stroller tipping by accident, with your poor pooch inside!
Consider your environment and any potential hazards or difficulties it may present. Where are you walking with your stroller? Is it a safe area? Is the terrain rough or uneven? That may be bad for the stroller. It could damage the wheels or make it harder to push the stroller.
Is your area one with high traffic? You’ll have to watch out for cars. Are there sidewalks? Is there a safe place to walk where you are reasonably protected from passing cars?
There may be other hazards to look out for, which aren’t mentioned in this article. Make sure you are aware of your surroundings and looking out for things that may cause problems.
It’s important to be cautious and safe when using a dog stroller. However, don’t forget that a dog stroller is supposed to be fun for both you and your pooch! Take reasonable precautions, but let yourself enjoy the experience. With a dog stroller, you and your dog can have countless new adventures. Happy strolling!
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