While putting up an invisible electric fence is quick and easy, a bit of training is required to make your dog understand and get accustomed to it. As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to teach your pet what their invisible surroundings mean. Below, we are going to outline some best practices to help your dog adjust to an inground electric fence.

- 1Make sure your dog understands the basics -
Before you begin training your dog for a hidden electric fence, it’s important that your pet already understands basic commands such as sit and stay. A more responsive pet will be easier to train and will quickly adapt to new instructions. - 2Start slow and advance gradually -
Your dog will respond better to shorter busts of training than they will to long hours of non-stop coaching. Start with 10 to 15 minute sessions two or three times a day. If you notice your dog is tired or disinterested, discontinue training and resume at a later time. After all, training should be an enjoyable and fun experience, and not a tedious one. - 3Start by marking visible boundaries -
For your dog to understand invisible fencing, you must start by marking the boundaries with flags or cones to outline the path of the fence. Place the dog on a leash with the electric fence off and walk your pet around the perimeter to get him accustomed to it. Allow him to smell and familiarize himself with the new additions. - 4Activate the electric fence -
After a few trips around the fence, activate the inground electric fence and allow your pet to go only to where the warning beep sound is heard. Continue this daily for one or two weeks. Next, fix the leash to one place such that he can’t go beyond the warning beep area. Allow the dog to roam within the safe area only. Continue doing this for a few days. - 5Use redirection and association -
Now, lengthen the leash so that your pet can go past the perimeter of the fence. As he roams around the area and you see him approaching the fence, call your dog back. Be sure to reward him and praise him for his effort. If he doesn’t respond and continues to approach the fence, he will either get shocked or sprayed. - 6Let your dog know the consequences of wandering off the boundaries -
At this time, walk your dog around the perimeter once more allowing him to recognize the warning beep sounds and if necessary get shocked or sprayed if he wanders off. This will help teach your dog the consequences if he tries to leave the boundaries. - 7Allow your dog to learn the new boundaries on its own -
Every day, remove a few of the markings or posts around the invisible fence and continue to let your dog familiarize himself with the perimeter while leashed until he knows the boundaries. It takes only about 6 weeks for a dog to get accustomed to the boundaries and start playing in the yard without a leash.
As a pet owner, it is advisable that you never leave your unleashed pet on its own in an invisibly fenced yard. At the same time, you should understand that invisible or wireless fencing is not for every dog. As such, you should evaluate the pros and cons of invisible electric fencing so that you can make the right choice for your dog.
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